October Donations are Matched!

HomeOctober Donations are Matched!

October Donations are Matched!

Categories: Blog, Matching, Other

All shooting teams that received a donation(s) in October have now received matching dollars through our 2019 Matching Program. We’re excited to announce that $180,886 in team donations were donated last month with a matching ratio of $0.66 per dollar. This match benefited 316 youth shooting teams. This means that if your shooting team received a $50 donation in October, our Matching Program added $33. This means the total contribution to your team’s endowment would be $80. Participating in the Matching Program is one of the fastest and easiest ways to grow your team’s endowment. Teams should let their supporters know how easy it is to give an online donation, right through our website. Once completed, the generous online donation is matched, and the donor will receive a tax-deductible receipt directly from our staff.

Actively growing your endowment is important because it allows you to increase the payout of your annual cash grant. This upcoming grant deadline is December 15th, which is coming up soon. You can apply anytime before the deadline, and your cash grant will be 5% of your endowment balance total as of December 15, 2019. That means you can apply early, complete the grant application, and focus on fundraising for your team to increase your payout all the way up to the deadline date. To get started, select the Grant Application link below!

Grant Application

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