Shooting Resources
The Shooting Resources page provides a wide variety of tools and ideas applicable to anyone interested in shooting sports or the outdoors. Select from the list of resources to learn more about them.
SSSF Coach Training | YSSA Grants | Firearm Safety with Larry Potterfield | NSSF Lets Go Shooting and Where to Shoot | CAHSS resources | IHEA-USA resources
How To Start a Shooting Team
If you are interested in starting a youth shooting team, you can use our general guidelines for creating a youth shooting team/organization. To create a team you either have to be affiliated with a formal nonprofit “parent” organization or you will need to start your own nonprofit. Learn how to organize your own nonprofit, create bylaws, and much more with the link below.
SSSF Coach Training
SSSF understands the vital role that volunteer coaches play in the success of youth shooting sports. With new teams activated every day through SCTP and SASP, it’s apparent there’s a need for simple, efficient and comprehensive coach certification. The SSSF Basic Coach Certification Program fulfills this need. This training is both online and in-person, and SSSF will donate $200 to your shooting Team Endowment Account for every coach on your team that completes the training. To learn more, Click Here. or get started with the links below
Start Basic Shotgun Coach Training Start Action Shooting Sports Coach Training
Youth Shooting Sports Alliance
YSSA wants to keep the shooting sports heritage alive and going well into the future. Their goals are to help with the barrier of entry for youth by providing safe and reliable equipment, donated by the industry in order to manage the many youth programs available today. They do not discriminate and no youth program is too small or too large to be involved with their programs. To learn more about the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance, Click Here.
Youth Program Resources
The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance has great resources on their website. They include tools to help organizations obtain club insurance, instructor training, range safety officer training, fundraising resources, and they have a list of organizations that have youth shooting programs. To check out all these great resources Click Here.
Applying for a grant
YSSA is the organization to contact when your youth shooting team is seeking help with equipment, supplies, or even consumables. Start by selecting the button below. Once on the website, you fill out the assessment proposal, and once you finish the proposal select submit. A member of YSSA will then review the application and contact you to see how they can help your youth shooting team.
Firearm Safety with Larry Potterfield
Larry Potterfield, the founder of MidwayUSA Foundation, created firearm safety videos to teach the safe handling and use of firearms. Firearm education is important for everyone who spends time around guns, whether your a collector, shooter, or hunter. These videos are not intended to replace live instruction in the classroom or the field but rather to support it. The videos cover the four rules of gun safety, plus a few extra tips to keep in mind when shooting. Click on the “Watch Videos’ link below to get started. Once you’re on the web page, you can play the safety videos or even download them to use later.
National Shooting Sports Foundation
The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s mission is “To promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of thousands of manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations, and publishers nationwide.” NSSF has a wide variety of resources available to shooting teams and the community, such as,,, and
Let’s Go Shooting During National Shooting Sports Month!
Start your next trip out to the range by heading to LetsGoShooting offers a number of opportunities for new and experienced shooters. Shooters can use this website to find out what to expect at the range, tips for new shooters, firearm safety, shooting community articles and social media posts, and much more!
One of the great resources on LetsGoShooting is the Plus One Movement. The purpose of this movement is to get more people out enjoying shooting sports. Starting something new can be discouraging, but having someone help and show you the ropes always makes things easier. Inviting your community out to the range is a great way to promote your team and you might even recruit some new athletes. To learn more about the Plus One Movement, Click Here.
Where to shoot is North America’s most comprehensive directory of shooting ranges. This website is managed by NSSF and is updated frequently to provide people across the continent with free range information. This is great for shooters when traveling. They can simply pull up the website on their computer or mobile device and find a place to practice. Go to to find a range near you!
Council To Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
Participation in hunting, fishing, and shooting sports has been declining since the 1980s. In recent years, there has been a growing effort to reverse this trend in the outdoor community, this movement is called R3. R3 stands for recruitment, retention, and reactivation. R3 efforts seek to create new outdoorsmen and increase participation of new, current, or lapsed outdoorsmen. A large advocate of R3 is the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (CAHSS). CAHSS was formed by the leaders in the Conservation community to take a fresh look at the business of recruiting and retaining hunters and shooters and to develop new and sustainable strategies, and tactics to solicit, engage, and support these groups that are so vital to Conservation and America’s heritage. Check out to learn more about R3, Conservation, and more!
International Hunter Education association U.S.A.
The IHEA-USA serves all hunting and shooting sports educators worldwide by developing and implementing standards and resources based upon research that promotes safe, responsible, and ethical practices while fostering partner communication. Working with all 50 United States and Territories Fish & Wildlife Agencies, other countries around the world and multiple conservation organizations, the IHEA-USA creates and maintains Hunter Education standards and offers general firearm safety courses through their Firearm Fundamentals Program. The IHEA-USA is a trusted resource for all safe hunting and shooting curriculums. Learn more about IHEA-USA or find a safety course near you with the links below.